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I am a postdoctoral research grant holder in the field of Astrophysics/Cosmology at the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (INAF-OATs). Previously, I held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in the group of Girish Kulkarni. I did my PhD at the University of Nottingham mentored by James Bolton and Nina Hatch.


My research revolves around the Epoch of Reionization - a period of time after the first ever stars and galaxies formed and illuminated universe changing its evolution. I do this by modelling the 21-cm signal, which is a signature of the most abundant element in the universe - Hydrogen. I use this signal to explore the Intergalactic medium (material between the galaxies, large scale structures) and supermassive black holes. I am a member of the Sherwood-relics simulation suite team who develops cosmological simulations which I use to model the 21-cm signal. If you are interested in more details (and nice animations), please check my research page.


Image credit: Ewald Puchwein/Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik.

My Image

I am also a proud owner of Huňka (Fluffy in English) which you can see on the left, huge fan of movies, I enjoy food, both cooking and eating, and travelling (to places where I can try different food).